
Introduction to data structures: Stack

Learn about the stack data structure in an intuitive way

November 14th, 2024 3 minute read

The stack data structure is one of my favorite data structures.
It follows an interesting principle called "last in first out" or LIFO for short.
Let's learn what the stack data structure is and how it works.

We use stacks in our daily lives every time we place items one on top of another. Let's give a few examples:

What is the LIFO principle?
The LIFO principle states that the last item that was placed on the stack is the first one to be taken off the stack.
In our example with the plates, the last plate that was placed on the stack is the first one that can be taken off the stack. We could of course lift some plates and take a plate from somewhere in the middle or bottom of the stack, but it's not very convenient.
In programming "lifting" items from the stack in order to take out some item that is not on the top of the stack is not allowed.

The stack data structure usually provides the following operations:

Let's give a few practical uses of the stack data structure:

How do stacks work internally?
The stack data structure usually uses an array or a linked list internally. Generally, I would create a stack using a linked list, but it also depends on the requirements.
The "function call stack" practical example would benefit from a stack that uses a linked list. The reason is that the stack will need to grow and shrink as functions are executed. An array would not provide the needed flexibility.
The "action undo" practical example could benefit from a stack that uses a linked list, but also a stack that uses an array. A stack that uses an array could be used if we want to limit the number of actions that can be undone (e.g. last 5 actions).
The "string reversal" practical example would benefit from a stack that uses an array. We would know the length of the string that needs to be reversed and we could create a fixed size stack that uses an array.

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